PawFriction is excited to roll-out its new packaging and now is a great time to share with you about how the PawFriction kit is built. JSI is a sheltered workshop bringing meaningful employment to developmentally disabled adults in Missouri and reliable help and quality workmanship to businesses in the St. Louis region. PawFriction is 100% American made and assembled thanks to the talented people at JSI.
Partnering with JSI, is just good business! We are overwhelmed by the quality of their workmanship and their beautiful attitudes. These gifted adults have work and life skills that enable them to be productive members of our community and they light up the room with their smiles!
We recently had the pleasure of meeting with all of the talented people who work at JSI. They work with tenacity and accuracy. Everything from assembling the boxes to inserting the tubes of medical adhesive; each kit is carefully inspected, they are experts at quality control! Here are a few pictures of our new PawFriction kits being assembled by JSI employees.

Kelly Baker, JSI Business Development Manager Ron DeVries, Vice President of Sales Dr. Stacey Bone, DVM & PawFriction Co-Founder

JSI Employees Sharing Their Smiles