Forget the notion that one human year equates to about seven years in dog time. Now, leading research shows that a one-year-old dog is comparable to a 30-year-old human!

By the time your dog is four years old, it would be about 54 in human years.

Even if you see your dog as young and strong, they may already be at senior dog age. As an owner, you need to take that into consideration. Your dog or senior cat might start displaying signs that they need extra TLC sooner than you’d think.

You need to be aware of the signs of cognitive issues with pets and how to cope if your pet does start to struggle. Learn everything you need to know about CCD and how to cope with it below.

What is CCD?

CCD stands for canine cognitive dysfunction. In a nutshell, this complicated term describes the mental decline that comes with age. By the time this decline becomes obvious and is causing issues, it’s considered CCD.

Considering dogs can’t speak for themselves, it’s difficult to diagnose CCD. As an owner, you’ll have to remain vigilant and look for signs of this condition.

Expert’s best estimates suggest that CCD is pretty rare. Only about 1.4% of dogs show signs of this condition. The sample size for this study did include dogs of all ages, though.

The older your dog gets, the greater its risk of developing CCD.

Warning Signs of CCD in Senior Dogs

As your pet starts to get older, it makes sense that their behaviors might change a bit. Rather than running around the backyard, they might be more laid back.

Instead of biting and chewing everything, they might be taking more naps.

These behaviors are normal signs of aging. Specific and sudden behavior changes that might be a cause for concern include:

  • Confusion in familiar environments
  • Disorientation
  • Not recognizing people or pets they should be familiar with
  • Restlessness and newfound anxiety
  • Extreme irritability or angry biting
  • Problems sleeping
  • Disregarding or forgetting household rules they’ve mastered
  • Potty accidents

If you see these signs in your pet, then it’s best to consult with your vet. Senior dog health can start to decline rapidly without help.

How to Cope With CCD

Did your pet receive a CCD diagnosis? Are the warning signs of cognitive decline increasing?

Your pet can still thrive under the right conditions.

Our Senilife Cognitive Disease Supplement can help improve your pet’s quality of life. It can also help your pet remain independent for as long as possible.

If you have more questions, then consult with your vet.

Help Your Senior Dog Thrive

Having a senior dog as a pet is very rewarding. It does have its downsides, though, considering the unique challenges that come with age. While it’s tough, there are things you can do to help your older pet thrive.

The good news is that we have plenty of senior dog products in our shop. We also have a few products for senior cats, too. Check it out now to get your fur baby something special!