Have you ever wondered if your pet feels, perceives, and thinks in a similar way as you? The truth may be stranger than fiction as science has confirmed that often the answer is ‘yes’.

For instance, many mammals experience a similar effect when they feel physical pain. An animal’s perception of pain is measurable based on how they react to stimulus.

How an animal processes emotional pain, though, is another topic. It remains uncertain whether animals emotionally “feel” pain like we do.

September is animal pain awareness month. Take the time to celebrate by getting informed on common causes of pet pain and how to handle it. Read on to empower yourself with the knowledge you need to help your pet thrive.

How to Identify Pet Discomfort

It’s true that your pet can feel pain, but will you be able to know if that’s the case? Clearly, your pet can’t tell you when they’re in pain. That said, it’s necessary to look for specific signs and symptoms.

While some signs are species-specific, here are some general things to watch for:

  • Shaking
  • Changes in behavior
  • Attempting to isolate
  • Attempting to run away
  • Lethargic
  • Irritable
  • Panting or whining
  • Excessive scratching or licking

Being vigilant is a very important aspect of senior dog care and cat care. Seniors are more likely to experience pain and chronic pain.

You’ll need to be their best advocate when it comes to identifying and resolving the cause of that pain.

Top Causes of Animal Pain

Just like us, pets can be in pain for many reasons. Here are just a few of the top sources of pet pain:

  • Injuries
  • Dental problems
  • Osteoarthritis · Various types of diseases
  • Infections
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis

As a pet owner, you’ll need to consider many things, including activities your pet has engaged in. For instance, did your pet walk on asphalt? If so, then they could’ve burned their paws! That could be the source of their pain.

You’ll also need to consider what they’ve eaten recently. Could they have eaten something harmful?

Best Tips for Managing Pet Pain

While not all pain can be resolved, it can be mitigated in most situations. For instance, in the scenario above, you could save your pet from an injury by using our PawFriction Kit.

When medical conditions exist, you can seek treatment at a vet.

You can mitigate chronic pain with lifestyle changes, medication, and supplements.

Celebrate Animal Pain Awareness Month This September

Animal Pain Awareness Month is crucial. Too many people lack understanding in this area. Misconceptions can lead people to mistakenly believe that animals can handle pain.

This type of myth can lead to things like animal testing, fighting, and even pet owner negligence.

Don’t be that pet owner. Pet ownership means taking responsibility for your pet and your pet’s pain. If you suspect your pet is suffering, then it’s necessary to act.

Identify the cause, and you’ll be in a better position to manage it. If you’re looking for senior-specific products to help, then check out our shop now!