Ok, so the first thing that I have to say is that the world of pet food is driven by marketing, at least a lot of it. In reality, there are not specific ingredients or qualifications that a diet has to meet to be called a senior food except that it must be able to be...
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Is It Okay to Feed a Younger Dog a “Senior” Dog Food?
The short answer to this is yes! You can stop reading if that is all you wanted to know! However, the detailed answer is going to shock a lot of you. Believe it or not, in most cases senior pet foods are just marketing. There are no definitions for what makes up a...
How Long Are Dog Years or How Many Human Years is My Dog or Cat?
The answer to this question isn’t as easy as it once was. We used to say a standard seven human years for every dog year. Now, we know that different sizes of dogs age differently. Smaller breed dogs frequently live longer lives, so a year of their life is less human...
Is Grooming Safe for Senior Cats?
Contrary to what I said about dogs, I am quite a bit more worried about taking a senior cat into the groomer. Why? It has to do with senior cats and their ability to hide diseases...in this case, I am specifically talking about heart issues. Cats are notorious for a...
Is Grooming Safe for Senior Dogs with Health Issues?
The answer to this question is - “it depends.” By that, I mean, it has everything to do with what health issues your senior dog has at the present time. I do suggest that it is worth speaking with the groomer to see if they have experience working with senior pets....
What Causes Sudden Weight Gain in Cats and Dogs?
Well, there is good news and bad news. In most cases, weight gain is caused by simply overeating. With cats especially, since they are very small, even a tiny amount of weight gain can be very noticeable. We are learning more and more that obesity is a very serious...
How Long Can My Senior Dog Live with Kidney Failure?
Unfortunately, kidney disease isn’t one where we can really put an amount of time on how long your dog will live. It depends on so many factors to include; how advanced is it, does your dog have other co-existing problems, what caused the kidney failure, and more....
We Tried Many Others With Minimal Results
Our 12-year-old Boxer was having trouble getting up and was slipping on the wood floors. We tried special shoes, socks, sticky pads, you name it and they all had minimal results. With PawFriction he is able to walk around freely unassisted. - Tarnold
This is Awesome Stuff!
This is awesome stuff! My dog Bandit thought he had gone back in time. (rest in peace). He was able to walk without slipping he had GRIP!! If you have an older dog who is having a hard time gripping the floor. Floor to slippery. This is the answer to your problem....
Immediately Helpful
We have an 11 year old 18 Lb terrier who slips on our hard wood floors and spiral stairs. He's even crashed down the stairs a couple times and after that it takes us a week of re-training him to get him over his fear. So, I decided to try Paw Friction. So far, so...