PawFriction is excited to roll-out its new packaging and now is a great time to share with you about how the PawFriction kit is built. JSI is a sheltered workshop bringing meaningful employment to developmentally disabled adults in Missouri and reliable help and...
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Is PawFriction easy to apply?
We are frequently asked, “Is PawFriction easy to apply?”. Simply stated, YES! If you can trim your dog's nails then you can apply PawFriction at home or have your vet apply it. Sometimes it is easier to apply if you have a friend to help because four hands are better...
One Of Our Frequent FAQ’s – Is PawFriction Safe?
We are asked frequently if PawFriction is safe if ingested. Rest assured that ALL components of the PawFriction kit are safe for your best friend. PawFriction was designed by a veterinarian with your dog's health in mind. Every component is non-toxic and safe for you,...
Your Dog Is Unique – PawFriction Was Designed With This In Mind
PawFriction is unique to your best friend. For aging pets, mobility is life. Muscle loss, arthritis, orthopedic/neurologic issues, and general aging can cause dogs to have significant mobility problems, especially on hardwood and other smooth floors. PawFriction was...
Why is Paw Friction so important? A Veterinarian’s View: Part One
We have received a few questions about what exactly gives a dog traction: is it the paw pads or the claws/toes and why is PawFriction the best product to help stop sliding on hardwood and other smooth floors? The answer to that question depends very much on what your...
Let’s Talk About Arthritis: Part 2
Ok, so now we have covered exactly what arthritis is and some of the causes of it but now let's talk about the signs and symptoms of arthritis. As veterinarians, we are cursed by a little something called adrenaline. Often, when a pet is brought into a clinic all...
Let’s Talk About Arthritis: Part 1
So when I sat down to start writing this blog, I asked myself: Self, what would be a good starting topic? Something that would interest all dog owners and pertain to the existence of PawFriction. The topic that kept coming up was Arthritis; a condition that...