My dog herniated a disk in his neck and we ended up going the surgery route. He went from a 10.5 year old very active, healthy guy, to a barely being able to move overnight. Post-surgery, he’s still pretty wobbly on his feet, and we have all wood floors. Despite me pulling out every rug I’ve ever bought (my house looks like a mismatched patchwork of randomness), there were still a lot of slippery spots. Tried nail caps, didn’t work – fell off – wasted $80 on two sizes. He won’t wear boots. So this was the 3rd try.
I used a popsicle stick to apply the glue so I could control where it went. Glue on stick, stick on paw pads to spread around, and then placed the foot in the tray. Picked foot out of tray, tapped extra off, and done. My husband had to help my dog stand, because three legs when the dog is wobbly is a sure way to fall.
It does help with sliding, no doubt. He isn’t baby deer-ing on the floor now. I don’t know how long before I have to reapply but I’ll update. Another alternative to the sand would be super thin rubber like the stuff they use to make running tracks. Glue, then pick up the little circle of material w/tweezers and place one (or more depending on size) on the pad. Ideas are the easy part, I know. Just thinking of what could make it even grippier. Anyway, the best non-slip solution I’ve tried so far!