What Causes Sudden Weight Gain in Cats and Dogs?

Well, there is good news and bad news. In most cases, weight gain is caused by simply overeating. With cats especially, since they are very small, even a tiny amount of weight gain can be very noticeable. We are learning more and more that obesity is a very serious...

How Long Can My Senior Dog Live with Kidney Failure?

Unfortunately, kidney disease isn’t one where we can really put an amount of time on how long your dog will live. It depends on so many factors to include; how advanced is it, does your dog have other co-existing problems, what caused the kidney failure, and more....

Immediately Helpful

We have an 11 year old 18 Lb terrier who slips on our hard wood floors and spiral stairs. He’s even crashed down the stairs a couple times and after that it takes us a week of re-training him to get him over his fear. So, I decided to try Paw Friction. So far,...

Would highly recommend this product!

Applied to my 70 lb. 10 year old boxer. My poor boy has been having back hip issues. He’s also struggling due to injury and surgeries. He wouldn’t go 15 minutes without having his hips go out on my hardwood and tile floors. An absolute dream of a product...

What You Need to Know About Senior Vs Younger Pet Care

Elderly pets require extra special care.  This article is going to explain how their needs differ from a younger pet’s needs. Exercising Senior Pets Younger pets can handle more exercise than senior pets.  In fact, those youngsters probably need more physical activity...