Both pet cats and dogs are living longer than ever before. That’s a great sign for animal health in general, but with old age comes unique problems.

One issue you need to be aware of as your senior pet ages is mental decline. Cognitive issues with senior dogs can start to happen at any age, but they’re more common late in life.

Below, we’ll go over the exact signs to watch for. We will also explain different treatment options and how to cope with a diagnosis. Keep reading to get informed and keep your dog healthy long into old age.

Signs of Cognitive Issues With Senior Dogs

Cognitive dysfunction impacts about 28% of dogs that are 11-12 years old. For pups who have reached 15 and 16, though, that number skyrockets to 68%.

With that in mind, you need to keep an eye on your pet once they reach 13 years old. Here are some of the most common signs of cognitive issues with senior dogs:

  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Not recognizing family members
  • Irritable
  • Decreased desire to play
  • Anxiety
  • Disregarding previous training
  • Bathroom accidents

Remember, mental decline often starts slow and then progresses.

Treatment Options for Senior Dogs

Have you spotted the signs of cognitive decline or dysfunction? The bad news is that there is no cure for canine cognitive dysfunction.

The good news is that you can still treat it. Plus, your senior dog can still live a full, healthy, and happy life with this diagnosis.

First, consult with your vet about the best options. It’s also good to rule out any underlying medical issues that might be contributing.

From there, consider your options. Treatment often involves a combination of physical, mental, and behavioral training.

You’ll need to add a lot more mental play. Provide toys like our Playology Dental Stick. Play games like hide and seek to strengthen your pup’s senses.

It also should include a healthy diet.

Treatment might also include supplements to support your pup’s mental state. Our Senilife Cognitive Disease Supplement helps improve your dog’s quality of life.

How to Cope With Cognitive Issues

One of the best things you can do, though, is continue to support your senior pup. Depending on the severity of the condition, you may need to rework your schedule to cope.

Your senior pup will need more attention and TLC. They may start to need help with basic activities like going to the bathroom or eating. Be prepared to tend to these needs more as your pet continues to age.

Keep Your Senior Dog Happy and Healthy

If you have an aging pet, then it’s important to start monitoring their behavior. Keep an eye out for signs of cognitive issues with senior dogs. At the first signs, schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.

Cognitive issues do not equal poor dog health. Your senior pet can continue to live a happy and healthy life with the right treatment!

Here at Pawtology, our experts want to help your senior pet thrive long into old age. If you’re interested in seeing more of our favorite pet products, check out our shop now!