We have a 15 year old pug. Her rear legs have been causing her to slide, slip and fall on our engineered wood flooring throughout the house. Within the past year her front legs would slide out causing her to fall to the floor and needed to be put back on her feet since she couldn’t get up herself. She had difficulty eating from her bowl, you would have to keep lifting her off the floor or hold her front legs together so they didn’t slide out. While looking for something to help our pug, I saw PawFriction. I was absolutely skeptical about the product and the cost. My wife and I clipped her hair between her toes, cut her nails and used alcohol to clean her pads. We followed the rest of the directions.

Long and behold we have a pug walking again and not falling even with our 10 week old puppy jumping on her, she just keeps walking. I honestly have not seen her slip, slide or fall requiring her to pick her up and put her back on her feet. It’s such enjoyment to watch her walk around. She’s walking around the house and is enjoying living life again. I wholeheartedly recommend PawFriction. Follow the directions and you will feel the enjoyment from your pet.

–  A. G.