BUN is a value that shows up on almost all of our routine and non-routine blood panels. It stands for Blood Urea Nitrogen. Urea is a waste product composed of nitrogen and other compounds and it is filtered out by the kidneys. There are a few reasons we can see the...
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Blog For Our Paw Pals
What makes your dog smell like urine?
If I smell urine on a dog or cat, there are often a couple of causes that might generate the less-than-pleasant smell. The first, is that the pet may have a urinary tract infection. Typically, these are female dogs or cats and the urine that is collecting on the hair...
Are Flea treatments harmful for senior cats and dogs?
This is a very common question that comes up often and it isn't exactly a black or white answer. For the most part, the flea medications that you purchase from your vet are going to be safe and effective. However, occasionally there are some that we want to stay away...
What can I do about my elderly dog wetting his bed?
Fortunately but unfortunately, this is a very common occurrence for our senior dog population. The term for this is urinary incontinence which implies that your dog loses control of its bladder while they are asleep. Incontinence almost exclusively happens when an...
Is there a cure for Chronic Kidney Disease in cats or dogs?
Unfortunately, we cannot cure chronic kidney disease but we can absolutely manage it. The definition of CKD is that we have lost functional use of the kidney due to scar tissue, nephron loss, etc. Contrast that with acute kidney disease which is where the kidneys...
What do most pet dogs ultimately die from?
I think this question most likely applies to our senior dogs. In that case, there are probably two good answers to this not-so-uplifting question. The first and foremost answer to this question is that cancer is the number one reason why we end up putting older dogs...
You Won’t Regret This
WOW.... All can say is thank you. We had an aging chocolate lab that suffered a spinal stroke and lost use of her leg hind leg. She had a lot of difficult walking on the hardwood and the ceramic, especially when wet. First application lasted almost two weeks, she was...
Glad We Decided To Try This!
Our dog doesn't seem to mind it and doesn't try to lick it or chew it off, so that's great. And it isn't abrasive, so we haven't seen any scratching on our floor from it. I'm really glad we decided to try this! A. Murphy
What are the symptoms of kidney problems in cats?
This question actually a lot more involved then what some may think. Kidney disease is one of the most common diseases in senior cats, it is estimated that 80% of cats over 15 will develop kidney disease. It’s most common in cats 10-15 years of age. What have we...
How do I take care of a senior cat?
This is an excellent question and, if you are reading this I love that you are asking about this subject! That is what we at Pawtology have dedicate our whole lives to; teaching you how to take care of your senior pets. Take a look around our site and follow our blogs...