Did you know that one out of three dogs will get lost from their owners at some point? Even worse, an astonishing 80% are never found. These statistics make it clear that curbing your dog’s digging behavior is a big deal. Digging is not only damaging to your...
Did ancient cats domesticate themselves? Ancient DNA seems to prove that’s the case, so is it really up to us whether they roam free or not? Some say indoor cats are too restricted, while others say they’re safer and healthier. The outdoors does pose...
As it turns out, dogs are man’s best friend! Dogs help humans live longer, and humans help dogs enjoy longer lifespans. With age comes newfound problems, though. If you own a senior dog, then you’re likely facing a whole host of new issues. From new...
About a decade ago, researchers discovered an intriguing fact about dog paws. Dogs have an incredible heat transfer system in their paws that can help them handle the cold. In fact, it’s so good that it rivals that of a penguin’s wing or a dolphin’s...
Have you ever seen a happy dog chasing its own tail? The sight might remind you of children spinning around in circles! It evokes feelings of joy, freedom, and excitement. It also might make you ask deeper questions like — why do dogs chase their tails, anyway?...