This is a serious issue that I think a lot of us don't even consider when we think about taking our dogs for a walk. As a brief overview, a lot of our pavement and other surfaces actually can retain a lot of heat. I think we have all seen the videos of a person frying...
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Blog For Our Paw Pals
Senior Pet Emergencies and a Product Everyone Should Own
How about if we take a second and talk about emergencies; something that doesn’t just apply to senior pets. I think I can say with 100% certainty that all of us will deal with at least one emergency with our pets at some point in their lives. These emergencies come in...
Why is a pet’s age not counted in human years?
We have covered the topic in the past and how to tell whether or not your pet is a senior in both our previous blog and in our senior pet podcast. The issue with reporting a pet's age in human years is that it is very difficult to get an accurate age and applying it...
How do I bring home a new puppy if I have an older dog?
I think the most important thing I can tell you is that when you have a senior pet and bring home a new puppy it is that you give them the gift of time to acclimate. The first thing to keep in mind is that this is a huge change for your senior dog. They are going from...
Is it okay for a younger dog to eat “senior” dog food?
I covered this on a previous blog but I think it is always worth discussing again. There is no specific requirement for “senior pet foods.” I know that may be a bit tough to read but AAFCO (which is the organization that determines feeding requirements for different...
What will vet clinics look like after Covid?
Again, while this isn't exactly senior pet related I thought I would put my opinion into the mix on what direction I see vet clinics will look like going forward over the next couple of years. Due to the curbside model, many clinics have chosen to adopt strategies...
Is it unfair to a senior dog to adopt a new puppy?
This is a very common question that I get quite often and it is one of the best thing that you can do for a senior dog and that is to get a puppy. Here are a few reasons why: Activity: Often, having a new puppy around the house causes the senior dog to be more active,...
When will vet clinics open back up?
While this isn't specifically senior pet related, I thought that it would be worth discussing in a blog post. A lot of things have changed in the last year and vet medicine was not spared. Almost as quickly as lockdowns started, most vet clinics began to adopt a...
What are the benefits of feeding your dog or cat prescription food?
I think that this might be one of the most controversial topics that we cover in vet medicine. If you ask 10 veterinarians, you will get 10 different opinions on the benefits (or not) of good prescription food. Some prescription diets are designed to work with...
How do dogs and cats die of old age?
It is very important to remember that old age is NOT a disease! We covered the importance of understanding this in an episode of The Senior pet podcast and there is a ton of great information in that episode, I would encourage you to check it out if you haven’t...